December Spotlight Athlete of the Month- Mike Amos
We are pleased to close out 2018 with a member who has been incorporating CrossFit as a lifestyle for 10 years! He goes back with co-owners G and Art before Drop Box was even a reality. A former US Navy Pilot with over 20 years of service to our country, husband, and father of two, MIKE AMOS shows no signs of ever slowing down. He gives 100% to every workout and continues to get stronger and faster with each passing year. Most importantly, he’s supprtive of his fellow members and always willing to help those around him.. Congratulations Mike for being our December Spotlight Athlete of the Month!!
I'm honored to be selected as the Athlete of the Month! This box is fantastic and learning and working with all of you is what makes it special. So if you have a minute, I'll share more with you than I've probably shared over the past few years.
I grew up playing multiple sports with great enthusiasm, but had pretty middle-of-the-road skills. Parlayed that into being a mediocre high school soccer, track and cross country athlete and went on to (mandatory) intramural college glory. I'm thankful that the culture in the Navy kept me interested in maintaining a decent level of fitness until I finally heard about CrossFit in late 2008.
At that time I was being moved to Central America and only had the internet and to rely on as a teaching aid. First official WOD - Murph. Solo. In my Salvadoran condo gym. After dying from that, I decided that there must be something to this CrossFit stuff. Fast forward about two years of solo CrossFit WODs and I'm at the NAS Norfolk Marine gym and I keep seeing these guys at lunch also doing CrossFit WODs. Only they looked like they knew what they were doing and they had a group of 5-10 other people with them.
One day I started chatting with these guys (G and Art) and G invited me to join their group. After that, I’d eagerly await G’s daily WOD email and got excited about my lunchtime escape to the gym. Of course, they opened Drop Box and I followed them over here.
The best part by far about Drop Box is the people. Coaches, athletes young and old, new and experienced, kids and families are what make this place special. The positive, welcoming, encouraging, humble servant atmosphere is the magic sauce.
Since this is supposed to be a profile, I’ll get back to the subject. I’m well into the masters category, but have not yet attained Gil and Trish status. I like running and metcon WODs, and try to keep up with Bill and Sergei; I struggle with snatches and heavy lifting and am always in awe of April and Kim; and I’m thankful that I can try and keep up with fellow masters Art, G, Nando and Eric x2.
The box is a refuge, butt-kicker, and escape from reality. Hard work in the box = LIFE. Despite being fairly private and absent from many social functions, the people of Drop Box have helped me in more ways than could describe. Thank you for your kind words, encouragement and smiles. Thank you Drop Box!
Mike back in the day .... working out on base with G and Art during lunch. They would refer to themselves as the “Lunch Box” ! 2013-2014
Mike has competed in numerous competitions over the years however this was his first with a swim, Team Grit 2014 w/ G and Art
Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic, 2015- Mike in the red shirt...G and Art were also his teammates
Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic 2017- Nando, Art, G, “Team Kinda Bald Kinda Boujee”
Festivus Games, CrossFit Cafe- Masters Individual #familyfirst
Mike with his fellow DBCF Festivus Athletes
Mike’s eldest son Ryan (white t-shirt) also does CrossFit at DB!
Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic 2018
With wife, Roxzanne
August 2018, American Airlines!
With sons Ryan and Luke