Cody Leichnam- July Member Spotlight
For the month of July, Drop Box CrossFit has chosen a young athlete who has shown huge improvements in almost every aspect of his fitness in just over a year by doing CrossFit. Like many new members, the movements in CrossFit were new to him, however with hard work, countless hours at the box, and a determination for perfection, this member has earned the nod from his coaches and is now confidently able to demo weightlifting movements in class when randomly called upon by Coach G! He's also a fierce competitor, very encouraging, and always supportive of his fellow members and you can count on him to unknowingly capture your PR on video! Read all about him and be a #codyfan!
First I would like to thank you for selecting me for Athlete of the Month. I was surprised that I was picked for this month because everyone at Drop Box is amazing.
I noticed that many of the previous Athlete of the Month stories had a backstory but since I am only 19 years old I don’t have much of a backstory other than the fact that I played soccer throughout school. I undervalued the sport and thought when I graduated I would not miss it much as I did. I tried to stay active after quitting soccer by going to the gym but couldn’t motivate myself to continuously go.
I had attempted CrossFit at the Ocampo’s garage before joining Drop Box twice and both times I thought I would never do it again. About a year later my mom told me that Gerry and Art now owned a gym and that I should try CrossFit again. So I dragged my sister with me and we began fundamentals. It has been a little over a year since I first started at Drop Box and have I have not looked back since and still surprises me how much I enjoy this sport.
Cody and his sister, May 2015
There are many reasons why I CrossFit. For starters Crossfit keeps me in shape and feeling well. It has made me both physically and mentally stronger and has also helped as a self-confidence booster; and for that I am grateful I found CrossFit so early on in my life. I am also appreciative of how everything is measurable and you can see the results of your hard work in more ways than just how you look in the mirror whether competing in a comp, getting a PR on your Fran time, getting a new skill or a PR on a lift.
Although there are other gyms that are much closer to where I live, I don’t think that I would find a group of coaches or a community as awesome and encouraging as Drop Box. The companionship and support for everyone at Drop Box is amazing. I have competed in team competitions and each one was as hard as the last. However, each time I did not feel as nervous as I could’ve been because it almost feels like another day at the box, where so many members show up to support no matter or where what the event is. Thus far, I have competed in three competitions, Bend the Bar, SuperFit, and Team Grit, and each one has been a different experience within itself. Although I have yet to podium at a competition each competition has felt better than the last and I owe it to the amazing Drop Box community.
Again, I want to say thank you for selecting me for Athlete of the Month for July. I also want to say thank you to Gerry, Art, Alma, and Anna for opening Drop Box and giving me the opportunity to learn more about CrossFit.
Current PRs:
· Clean and Jerk – 205
· Snatch – 170
· Back Squat – 255
· Deadlift - 345
*CrossFit Level 1- July 2016
with hard work and determination, cody got his muscle ups!
getting called out by Coach G to demo a complex in the weightlifting club
Team Grit, bend the bar,...cody showing up to support other athletes as they compete for their 1st time in williamsburg
cody participated in his first crossfit games open this year
165 PR Snatch, 7.6.16
Team Grit 2016