Alexander Wilbanks-January Spotlight Athlete of the Month
Team Grit 2017
This year's first spotlight goes to a member who came to us with prior CrossFit experience. What impresses me about Alex besides his strength and athleticism is his commitment to CrossFit. He puts in the work and he is so focused. I definitely see the change in how he approaches a workout and how he lifts. You can also count on Alex to show up at competitions to support his fellow members. His wife Amber is just as awesome and we are fortunate to have them both as part of the DB family! -G Ocampo
First I would like to say that I am honored for being chosen as the Spotlight Athlete of the Month. I would not be where I am today without the support of some of the amazing coaches and athletes at Drop Box CrossFit. The intense comradery, competiveness, and having fun from every single person at the gym continues to be a part of the driving force to excel as an athlete. I also would like to thank my wonderful wife, Amber Wilbanks, for supporting me through my entire lifting phases and being my lifting partner. “Lift Together Stay Together!”
I first started my CrossFit career in the summer of 2011, at Hybrid Training Center. The initial reason for joining a CrossFit gym was not only to get into shape (210Lbs of round) but to be able to do anything I wanted physically. I then followed one of my coaches to CrossFit Oceana in the summer of 2012. I started taking CrossFit more serious as an athlete instead of just a fitness routine to lose weight. In the summer of 2013, Amber and I were both still at CrossFit Oceana but then wanted to take our fitness in a different direction. We both got a membership at Onelife Fitness and we both started to get stronger by following “Strength Training 5x5” then “Madcow 5x5 advanced” then finally “Wendlers’ 5/3/1.” I ended up still doing CrossFit workouts at OneLife, since the trainer had a book of them to use, even though it was called ‘Functional Fitness.’
In the summer of 2014, I started a new job which happen to be where Gerry and Art worked. I eventually found out they did CrossFit but they also worked out during lunch at the USMC gym on base. I then started following Gerry’s program at the USMC gym during lunch and I was hooked once again to CrossFit. When Gerry and Art opened up Drop Box CrossFit it was only natural to start working out at their Gym. Then the day came to join so Amber and I both signed up as Drop Box Athletes. Currently Amber and I both love going to the gym to not only lift but to see everyone as well. I have competed in more competitions with Drop Box then I ever have and continue to improve upon myself with the help of all Drop Box Coaches. CrossFit for me started off as a simple weight loss program but as time went on CrossFit became a lifestyle change, an athlete in training, a therapy time, family time….
Thank you all for allowing myself and my family to be part of Drop Box Family! #DBCF #ATEAM
Alex with his wife Amber
Team Grit '17/Gangs of the Mid-Atlantic '16