February Spotlight Athlete of the Month- Zoe Puyen "Cat" Perez
Women make up a good percentage of CrossFit classes and gym memberships at DBCF. Our morning classes are no exception. We are proud to highlight one amazing woman who we have enjoyed seeing her balance fitness and motherhood over the years. Getting a workout in to stay healthy while caring for kids takes great planning and this member follows a long list of parents who makes it a priority. A member since 2016 and a mother of three kids, you would often see her coming in and out of our 0830 class with her infant carrier and young kids in tow. Once the kids have been occupied with a toy or book and when the clock starts, she is focused, fierce and ready to rock! Congratulations to Cat, she is our February Spotlight Athlete of the Month!
Hi guys! Believe it or not I’m going to make this short (for me) and barely sweet.
Wow I love the super flexible use of the term “athlete” as it applies to me as I have never ever played a single competitive sport in my entire sports deprived life. Certainly been surrounded by it, but never done it. Before CrossFit I was a daily gym rat and hot yoga devotee (because what else did I have to do with my time?) and all I cared about was how I looked in my skinny jeans. Enter in CrossFit about… what.. 8 years ago now and my how the tables have turned, flipped, and lost some screws. I’ll never be back in my skinny jeans, but I’ve also never been more proud of my body. Yes, this 42 year old, creaky, arthritic body. This body that stubbornly refuses to perform any style of pull up or toes to bar. That will not clean over 140 lbs or snatch over 85 lbs. And let’s not even get into my fickle AF double-unders. But man do I love it. I love doing this thing that I am complete trash at because it’s taught me so much in the last 8 years. It’s taught me how to keep showing up when you don’t want to. To keep pushing even when there are no tangible results…because now at this stage in my life it’s more about how something makes me feel as opposed to simply checking it off a list. Yeah it’s great to have goals and I’m still chasing after pull ups (one excruciating inch at a time), toes to bar, and a respectable snatch, but if I never get there I still love doing it and doing it together with this gym family.
Coming back to Drop Box last spring after baby #3 was a lot harder than the last 2 times, but the encouragement from the owners, coaches, and all the new and old members really helped a lot. And please know that even though I always got TAFRBF (Tired As F*ck Resting B*tch Face), rarely smile or keep my eyes open in photos, and wear the most heinous gym clothes, Drop Box is actually one of my *most* favorite places to be!
Crossfit Open 17.5
0830 class 2017
team Grit 2019, Scaled division
Cat,,husband JeFf, and coach Art at the wicked 10k race
when the covid pandemic hit, classes were changed to zoom. Cat & the 0830 crew (w/ tony, chriss, ginna, Cassie
Daddy Jeff would also come in to work out with all 3 kids too
cat also joined the gym nutrition challenge in 2022 to help with losing her pregnancy weight
0830 “Mommy and me”
Front squats 2023
wall balls 2023
celebrating a recent birthday with her 0830 crew